Kolla in Ola & Maskineriets kommande singel "Ensam I Natt", som släpps den 18 oktober 2024. Låten bjuder på en stämningsfull atmosfär och handlar om ensamhet och reflektion, med djupa och känslosamma texter.
Det er nu et år siden, vi lancerede vores debut-single ‘Do We Dare’ med Achtung Sky fra København, og reaktionerne var straks overvældende og lovende. Da vi i februar i år udgav vores næste single ‘Clean Clean Man’, modtog vi også mange positive anmeldelser.
While suspended from Meta, we’ve started a petition to address the unfair treatment by centralized social media platforms. Many others face similar challenges, and Meta’s ineffective support system is outdated and frustrating. Join us in advocating for transparency and accountability for all creators and businesses.
Frustrated with Meta's outdated support? You're not alone. Join our movement for a clearer, more supportive experience for all creators and businesses.
En opfordring til handling: Hvordan brugerne kan samle sig for at kræve bedre service og ansvar fra Meta, og hvilke skridt der kan tages for at skabe forandring.
Discover the future of music with DDEX's Simple Music NFT. Explore how NFTs are transforming music ownership, licensing, and artist engagement in a digital age.
Stay informed about our Facebook Group suspension updates. We’re advocating for better support from Meta and have reached out to the Danish Competition Authority.