Guitars, Synth & Programming: Martin Lauge
Drums: Søren Linnet Schmidt
Recording, Mix, Master and Reaper Engineer: Martin Lauge
Cover Artwork: Edited college by Flemming Rosenfalck (1971-1972).
All songs were written by Martin Lauge Christensen Rosenfalck.
RELEASED ON 15/3/2021

Debut EP "Contact" from Copenhagen-based Steam Engines & Flying Machines is to be released on the 15th of march on the music label Sublime Exile Recordings. "Contact" is a raw, evocative and filmic collection of instrumental songs creating a cinematic universe mixing rock, electronica, punk and more. Extraterrestrial life and existentialism combined. Behind Steam Engines & Flying Machines is a guitarist and composer Martin Lauge who has long experience in the underground music scene. Among others with eif, The Wade, Video Compact and Bus Jane Janny.
Debut-EP "Contact" fra Steam Engines & Flying Machines udgives d. 15 marts på pladeselskabet Sublime Exile Recordings. Contact er en rå, stemningsfuld og filmisk samling af instrumentelle numre der skaber et steampunk-univers i blandingen af rock, elektronisk, punk og mere. Udforskning af det indre og ydre rum. Bag Steam Engines & Flying Machines er guitarist og komponist Martin Lauge der har en lang liste af genrer og undergrundsbandmedlemskaber bag sig, blandt andre: eif, The Wade, Video Compact og Bus Jane Janny.
Die Debüt-EP "Contact" von Steam Engines & Flying Machines erscheint am 15. März beim Musiklabel Sublime Exile Recordings. Contact besteht aus rohen, stimmungsvollen und filmisch instrumentellen Songs und mischt Rock, Elektro und Punk in einem steampunkigen Universum. Eine Reise in den Welt- und Innenraum. Hinter Steam Engines & Flying Machines steht Gitarrist und Komponist Martin Lauge der langjährige Erfahrung in der Underground-Musikszene vorzuweisen hat, u.a. mit eif, The Wade, Video Compact und Bus Jane Janny.
"Martin Lauge Christensen Rosenfalck is a brilliant and innovative musician, who´s in the league of world-class composers. I can easily hear his music in modern movies, such as sci-fi and other genres. He is really outstanding and his music reminds me of a contemporary update of Pink Floyd, Jean Michel Jarre and Brian Eno just to name a few. In addition to that some nice electronic beats that spice the entire mix." -
Birgitte Moos Chalcraft 12/2020
2022 © Sublime Exile Recordings |