The exclusive right of the copyright owner, granted by the Copyright Law, to authorize the performance or transmission of the work in public.
Public Performance LicenseThe rights management agency issues licenses on behalf of the copyright owner or his agent granting the right to perform the work in, or transmit the work to, the public.
Reproduction RightThe exclusive right of the copyright owner, granted by the Copyright Act, to authorize the reproduction of a musical work as in a record, cassette or CD.
Mechanical LicenseThe rights management agency issues licenses on behalf of the copyright owner or his agent, usually to a record company, granting the record company the right to reproduce and distribute a specific composition at an agreed upon fee per unit manufactured and sold.
Synchronization License MusicPublishers issue licenses as copyright owner or his agent, usually to a producer, granting the right to synchronize the musical composition in timed relation with audio-visual images on film or videotape.
Digital Performance Right in Sound RecordingsThe performance rights organisation along with Record Companies license the exclusive rights on behalf of copyright owners in a sound recording under the Copyright Law to authorize many digital transmissions (e.g., Internet streaming).
Product License
Publishers who has its own merchandise and facilitates these services for its artists and business relations need a product license to protect all interests.