Photocredit: Per Morten Abrahamsen
Medium: Introducing Achtung Sky: Copenhagen’s Sonic Dreamweavers
- Click Roll Boom - I like the dark, new wave vibe of 'Do We Dare,' juxtaposed with a hip-hop-infused edge and pop melodies. It's an intriguing, groove-driven experience that fearlessly explores and pushes the boundaries of different genres.
- The Sound Lab - A nice sound, well made and enjoyable. We would love to play. Please share the track with us...
- Mystic Sons - Really liking the bold and driven sound of this one, has a cool groove to it.
- Existential Magazine - This track was really interesting, it had very original and experimental stylings that made it immediately stand out. Loved the creativity of the sound and how much it made me want to keep listening.
- Alfitude - A very interesting fusion of punk, rock and pop. The production is bold and unique…
- Music News Monthly - The track is very catchy, the back beat really keeps the momentum going. This is something that I think our audience will enjoy.
- Plastic Magazine - Cool track, liking the rhythm on this and the vocals are great. Nice production and instrumentation as well…
- BlackPlastic.co.uk - I like the drums and sense of drama here, but the overall sound is a bit too rock and roll for my taste. I generally want a more experimental, electronic sound.
- Music For The Misfits - I like this softly thumping sound and the warm vocals.
Achtung Sky is three very skilled musicians, all of whom have origins in Copenhagen and a lengthy history in the Danish music scene.
Jack Giersing and Tomas Ortved have been friends and collaborators for +20 years, having played together in bands like Alive With Worms and on Tomas Ortved's second album, "Catch," released in 2012. In 2014, they released their debut EP, "Never," which also served as the title of their subsequent duet collaboration.
Thor Vincent, who tunes the analogue synthesisers, has long worked behind the scenes with these performers, both as a musician and as a recording technician. He is now pushing the band's sound to new heights.
Tomas Ortved is most known as the drummer for the renowned Sort Sol (Sods), but he has also worked with Cyklon Anti Cyklon, Alive With Worms, Nikolaj Nørlund, and Peter Sommer.
Their next song "Do We Dare" will be released on September 15, 2023. A breath of new air that will definitely provide listeners with insight into the band's pulsing nerve.
→ Achtung Sky will play live on October 27th at Rhuset, Onkel Dannys Plads. The stunning red 7" vinyl (limited to 100 copies) will also be available, featuring not just "Do We Dare," but also the brand-new tune "Gunslinger." ←
Vocals/drums: Tomas Ortved
Guitars: Jack Giersing
Synthesizer/programming: Thor Vincent
Juxstaposed Hip-Hop & backing vocals: Nick Sander
Bagom Thor Vincents analoge synthesizere og Jack Giersings højspændte guitarer holder en af Danmarks mest ikoniske trommeslagere, Tomas Ortved, det urokkelige beat.
Achtung Sky er tre meget erfarne musikere, alle med rødder i København og en lang historie på den danske musikscene.
Jack Giersing og Tomas Ortved har et langvarigt venskab og samarbejde med hinanden, som går tilbage over 20 år, hvor de bl.a har spillet sammen i Alive With Worms og på det andet album af Tomas Ortved, "Catch" fra 2012. De udgav deres første EP i 2014, "Never", som også blev titlen på deres efterfølgende samarbejde som duo.
Thor Vincent, der tuner de analoge synthesizers, har længe arbejdet sammen med de nævnte musikere bag kulisserne, både som musiker og som indspilningstekniker. Nu bringer han bandets lyd til et helt nyt niveau.
Tomas Ortved, bedst kendt som trommeslager i det legendariske Sort Sol (Sods), har tidligere også arbejdet med bands som bl.a Cyklon Anti Cyklon, Alive With Worms, Nikolaj Nørlund og Peter Sommer.
Den 15. september 2023 udkommer deres nye single "Do We Dare". Et friskt pust der helt sikkert giver lytterne indblik i bandets pulserende nerve.
→ “Gunslinger” er pt kun at få på vinyl ←
Vocals/drums: Tomas Ortved
Guitars: Jack Giersing
Synthesizer/programming: Thor Vincent
Juxstaposed Hip-Hop: Nick Sander
- ISRC: DKFK12300701
- ISWC: T-320.409.407-1
- BARCODE: 8720996539354
RELEASE: 15/09/2023